Chopped Liver
To us, no real Jewish meal would be complete without "Grandma's chopped liver." Especially a Passover dinner. That said, we know one way to take your chopped liver to the next level: instead of the traditional chicken livers, go for duck livers instead. Like all things duck, they have a distinctive, dark richness to them that is incomparable, and you don't need to change your recipe at all. For added flavor, forego the standard vegetable oil when sautéing the onions and livers for - you guessed it - duck fat, and add a tablespoon of kosher wine (port, if you can find it) right at the end. Cool, and serve atop matzoh for a decadent Passover treat.
Quail - The Real Manna from Heaven
If you're not up on your five books of Moses, you might have missed the fact that quails play an integral part in the Exodus saga. Many remember that, when the Israelites were wandering the desert, God fed them with food from the sky, particularly "manna." He also literally showered them with quail. So, in effect, quail is something of a divine bird, and what better time to enjoy it than at Passover? Try stuffing some whole quail with charoset before you roast them, or topping the cooked birds with a reduction of wine and honeyed dates. Your guests will be happy you did! Also, to keep things interesting, feel free to place a quail egg on your seder plate instead of a traditional chicken's egg for a bit more Exodus verisimilitude.
Serve Capon
Should you be on the hunt for Passover poultry and quail's not your style, a capon makes a wonderful, festive roast. Not sure what a capon is? Back in the day when chicken was considered more of a dish for plebs and peasants, smart cooks realized that castrating a rooster would cause it to almost double in size, a dish fit for lords and ladies. Bigger than a hen but smaller than a turkey, and possessed of a deeper, more robust flavor than your standard chicken, capon is perfect for the seder table.
Speaking of chickens, it would behoove you to roast a couple of those in the week or two before the big night, making sure to reserve the bones for stock. Our Green Circle chicken is a great choice for this purpose. Would any seder be complete without a hot bowl of matzoh ball soup?
Red-wine Braised Brisket
Brisket is a traditional choice for a family meal and a good one for Passover. That’s because brisket is easy to braise and keep warm for serving – especially as a seder can go on for hours before the dinner course begins. The tradition is to stretch the telling of the Passover story long into the night, but with a brisket, there is no need to worry about drying out or overcooking the meat while that unfolds. Try our simple red wine braised brisket recipe for a juicy center-of-the-plate offering.
"Chad Gadya" (A little goat)
A favorite Passover song for many families is "Chad Gadya," a story about "a little goat that my father bought with two zuzim." The tale spirals almost out of control, ending with the Angel of Death smiting a poor butcher (obviously a song of Eastern European origin), but it also reminds us that goat was for centuries a traditional Jewish dish. For the seder, a goat roast makes an outstanding main course. Does someone in your family have an excellent brisket recipe? Well, that same recipe will undoubtedly work perfectly with a large roast of young goat, whether or not you purchased it for two zuzim.
The Paschal Lamb
How can we forget the paschal lamb, the symbol of springtime, renewal, and freedom? If it's on our plates, we certainly won't. If you're looking for a great main course for your seder (and you decided not to go with goat), lamb is the perfect choice. Whether rubbed with olive oil and herbs and baked, slow-roasted, or smoked, and whether you choose roasts, racks, or a whole leg seasoned with plenty of rosemary, the smell of lamb cooking in your kitchen is undoubtedly the smell of Passover. We have some excellent ideas for lamb dishes here. And, naturally, don't forget your roasted shank; some lucky seder guest (or perhaps the cook?) might get some excellent marrow out of that lamb bone!