What Makes Green Circle Chicken Different
D'Artagnan is dedicated to finding farmers who share our vision of rearing livestock humanely. We look at scale and sustainability; choosing only farms that respect nature and focus on the best animal welfare practices.
Our network of small Amish and Mennonite family farms in Pennsylvania raise chickens the old-fashioned way. They are environmentally responsible, sustainable, and offer farm-to-table traceability. Green Circle chicken is regeneratively raised in a pasture-based system of farming, where the waste is composted and returned to the soil to build the health of the land. It’s beyond net neutral - this farming is supporting and rebuilding the soil.
The chickens are fed clean surplus vegetables from markets – bruised, cut, or otherwise unattractive vegetables - along with wholesome, regeneratively grown grains that include corn and soy. These unloved vegetables are saved from going to landfills, so not only do the chickens benefit from the vegetable diet, but it makes sense for the environment too. This is the alchemy of turning food waste into healthy protein for people to eat.
Green Circle chickens enjoy more than twice the barn space required to be considered free-range, they have year-round access to the outdoors and the ability to forage naturally and are raised to 8 weeks of age, as opposed to 5 or 6 weeks, which is standard for commercially-raised chicken.
Certified Humane Chicken
All Green Circle chickens are raised and handled according to Humane Farm Animal Care’s stringent welfare policies and are the rare bird that receives their humane certification. And of course, no antibiotics, hormones, or arsenicals are ever used.
Our chickens are also free-range. For poultry to be certified free-range, it must be raised in specific conditions: with access to the outdoors and natural light, the ability to forage naturally, and a minimum of 1.5 square feet of space per bird when indoors. Green Circle chickens enjoy more than twice that space in the barns. In addition, to be called free-range, chickens must be raised to 8 weeks of age, as opposed to 5 or 6 weeks, which is standard for commercially raised chickens. .
Air-Chilled for Better Flavor
Green Circle chickens are air-chilled and hand-processed in a low-volume facility near the farms where they are raised. The air-chilling process guarantees our chickens have no additional water weight, which leads to better post-cooking yields, with a deeper flavor profile and crispy skin.
Heritage Green Circle Chicken
Heritage Green Circle chickens are an old breed of bird, recognized for complex flavor. Our heritage birds are raised with the same Green Circle methods, with access to the outdoors and the ability to forage naturally. They are raised to 85 days - which is an unthinkably long time for any commercially raised chicken. The heritage program was developed for New York chefs who were seeking the full flavor of chicken they enjoyed in Europe and were delighted with the savory results.
When he first tasted Green Circle chicken, Andre Daguin, one of France’s most decorated chefs and the father of D’Artagnan founder Ariane, congratulated us for reinventing his grandmother’s poultry. Our holistic approach produces truly wholesome chicken. From start to finish, these birds are treated and fed well, and the result is a supremely tasty chicken on your table.