What Makes Green Circle Turkey Different
D'Artagnan is dedicated to finding farmers that share our vision of rearing livestock humanely. We look at scale and sustainability; choosing only farms that respect nature and focus on the best animal welfare practices.
Our network of small Amish and Mennonite family farms in Pennsylvania raise turkeys the old-fashioned way. They are environmentally responsible & sustainable and offer farm-to-table traceability.
The Green Circle turkey is a special bird for many reasons, but what sets it apart is the diet. These turkeys are fed clean surplus vegetables from markets – bruised, cut or otherwise unattractive vegetables - along with wholesome grains. These unloved vegetables are saved from going to landfills, so not only do the birds benefit from the vegetable diet, but it makes sense for the environment too.
All Green Circle turkeys are raised and handled according to Humane Farm Animal Care’s stringent welfare policies and are the rare bird that receives their humane certification. And of course, no antibiotics, hormones or arsenicals are ever used.
The turkeys are also free-range. In order for poultry to be certified free-range, it must be raised in specific conditions: with access to the outdoors and natural light, the ability to forage naturally and a minimum of space per bird when indoors. Green Circle turkeys enjoy spacious open-air barns and access to the outdoors so they can forage naturally.
Green Circle turkeys are hand processed in a low-volume facility near the farms where they are raised. Our holistic approach produces truly wholesome results. From start to finish, these birds are treated and fed well, and the result is a supremely tasty turkey on your holiday table.